
  • Smart television for access to streaming services
  • Free WiFi
  • Air-conditioned in bedrooms for heating and cooling
  • All linen and towels (bath and beach)
  • Hairdryer
  • Full-length mirrors
  • Ample cupboard space with hangers
  • Non-smoking apartment
  • 24 hour security and access control and camera surveillance
  • Reception services on the ground floor
  • Secure undercover parking
  • Lifts and stairs
  • Two swimming pools in the Oysters complex
  • Convenient braai (barbecue) facilities at the pool area
  • Well maintained and attractive gardens


  • Serviced daily except on Sundays and Public Holidays
  • Superior quality linen and comfortable bedding
  • Linen change for longer stays
  • Bath and beach towels
  • DSTV channels (Netflix and other streaming for own account)